Monday, 21 May 2018
6.30pm — 8.30pm
The Horse, Surry Hills (formerly White Horse Hotel)
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Guest Speaker: Joe Lo Surdo
Joe Lo SurdoJoe is regarded as an expert in insurance for the film and entertainment industries with over 25 years experience.
He has been a keynote speaker at seminars to many leading industry bodies such as the Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS), associations supporting women in the arts, and emerging filmmaker groups.
He was previously managing director of Film Insurance Underwriting Agencies Pty Ltd (FIUA) and Cinesure, performing these roles for a combined period of over fifteen years.
Today, Joe is responsible for the day-to-day operation of SURA Film & Entertainment Pty Ltd. He is also a Fellow of ANZIIF (Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance).