After three years on the professional tennis circuit, Alex Lykos hung up his rackets for what he jovially claims to be “the less stressful and more secure arts world”.
Julian Wood was working at the British Board of Film Classification before he moved to Sydney. Involved with FILMINK magazine at its inception, Julian is still a contributor.
By the age of 23 Julian Shaw had realised a number of highly successful film and book projects and won multiple film awards. At Choc Tops he’ll share the story of how all it took was “getting off his butt and doing something”. There will also be a signing of Julian’s ground-breaking book Modern Odysseus and FILMINK give-aways.
Alex Broun, the Artistic Director of Short+Sweet Theatre, and one of the world’s leading writers of ten-minute plays, talks about what it takes to keep going and be successful in the entertainment industry.
Two of the producers of the new Australian feature film Cedar Boys talk about the business of filmmaking. It will have been three weeks since opening by the time Jeff Purser and Ranko Markovic speak at Choc Tops, so they will have much to say about the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.